“The Spanish version of this document will govern our relationship – this translated version is provided for convenience only and will not be interpreted to modify the Spanish version. For the Spanish version, please click here.




The access and navigation in our web, or the use of the services of the same one, imply the acceptance of the Conditions established in our Legal Warning and therefore of the Politics of Privacy and Politics of Cookies. Please read them carefully.




We inform you that we may use cookies on your computer provided that you have given your consent, except in cases where cookies are necessary for browsing our website. If you do consent, we may use cookies that allow us to learn more about your preferences and to customize our website according to your individual interests.


What are cookies used for on this website?


By using this website, you agree that Moltoshop or its suppliers may use cookies to perform analysis, provide you with customized content based on your interests and social buttons so that you can easily share our content.


What is a cookie and what is it for?


A “Cookie” is a small file that is stored on the user’s computer or any other device with information about the navigation performed by the user.


The cookies used do not store personal data or information that can identify you. If you do not wish to receive cookies, please configure your Internet browser to erase them from your computer’s hard drive, block them or warn you if they are installed. To continue with no changes to the cookie settings, simply continue to the website. 


Types of cookies we use


According to the entity that manages it:

  • Own Cookies: They are those cookies that are sent to your computer and managed exclusively by us for the best performance of our Web.
  • Third-party Cookies: They are those that are sent to your team from a team or domain that is not managed by us, but by another collaborating entity. For example, those used by social networks, or by external content such as Google Maps.
  • Session Cookies: They are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website, so none is recorded on the hard drive of your computer.
  • Persistent Cookies: Are stored on the hard drive and our website reads them each time you make a new visit. A persistent cookie has a certain expiration date. The cookie will cease to function after that date.
  • Technical Cookies. They are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and to use the different options or services that exist in it, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts, remembering the elements that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process of an order, applying for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during navigation, storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound or sharing content through social networks.
  • Geolocation Cookies. They are used to know where a user is when requesting a service. This cookie is anonymous and is used, for example, to provide you with the appropriate information depending on the country in which you are located.
  • Personalization Cookies. They are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined according to a series of criteria in the user’s terminal such as, for example, the language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the regional configuration from which the service is accessed, etc.
  • Analysis Cookies. These are those that allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyse the behaviour of the users of the website to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the website, platform or application and to prepare navigation profiles of users of the website, platform or application, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by users.

According to the length of time they remain active:


According to its purpose:

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics tool from Google Inc., a Delaware company headquartered at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States, which allows us to learn how our Web users interact. It also enables cookies in the domain of the site where the user is located and uses them to collect information anonymously and to report web trends without identifying individual users.


In addition to rejecting cookies, you can also install the Google Analytics opt-out add-on in your browser. This add-on prevents Google Analytics from collecting information about visits to your website. More information about Google Analytics cookies and how they work can be found on the Google website.

  • Behavioral Advertising Cookies. They are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that are on the website. These cookies store information on the behaviour of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows a specific profile to be developed to display advertising according to the same.
  • Advertising Cookies: They are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that could be included in our web page. These cookies allow, through the management of advertising, to store behavioural information by observing habits, studying accesses and forming a user preference profile, in order to offer advertising related to the interests of the user’s profile.
  • Cookies from external social networks. These are those used by users to interact with the content of different social platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube and Google Plus), and are used by these third parties to carry out behavioural advertising, analysis and monitoring and market research by the third party owner of the social network, as well as for purposes that appear in their legal conditions, which can be accessed from their own websites.


Cookies Configuration

(falta la tabla de lawwwing)